Using Cbd Oil For Treating Anxiety

What causes anxiety? You would say stress; stress induced by work, academics, and sometimes even relationships. Don’t we all experience it from time to time? True. But, there has been an alarming rise in anxiety disorder seen across the world.

A study by CDC and NCH shows that the percentage of US adults reporting anxiety in the last seven days has increased from 30% to 36.3 % in the current pandemic period.

You’d think counseling helps battle this anxiety disorder. It is, but, let’s face it, not everyone can afford it. All hope is not lost, though. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a product of the Cannabis Sativa plant, can help you eliminate anxiety disorder and even insomnia.

How does CBD oil work?

Excess production of Serotonin – a mood-stabilizing chemical in your body causes anxiety. CBD oil treats anxiety disorder by somehow altering the signals sent by Serotonin to your brain. The exact way in which CBD works is unknown as of now.

The Journal of the American Pharmacists Association said that CBD has a good scope in treating anxiety disorder. CBD oil is beneficial if you are suffering from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

CBD oil is available in the following types:

  • Pure CBD Oil
  • CBD Oil with THC
  • CBD Hemp Oil

Adequate data is unavailable to determine what should be CBD oil’s correct dosage. It may vary depending on your age, weight, the severity of anxiety disorder, amongst other factors. Therefore, you must consult your physician before starting with it.

Side effects

CBD oil is generally considered to be a safe product. Although there have been a few common adverse side effects observed in some of the cases. These side-effects include:

  • Tiredness
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite/weight

The above side effects are not long term though. They are far less severe than those caused by other drugs in the treatment of anxiety disorder.


CBD oil is rapidly gaining popularity in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Clinical data has shown no long-term mental or physical side effects by its use.

But there is still room for more research on how exactly it affects our brain and determining the proper dosage for use.  As promising as CBD maybe appear, you must not consider it a substitute for your anti-depressants. If you are under treatment, consult your health care provider before using CBD oil as it may interact with your current medications.

Author: admin