What Is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the main component of the marijuana plant responsible for causing the psychoactive effects. The Bulgarian chemist Raphael Mechoulam first discovered THC in Israel in 1964. When consumed, tetrahydrocannabinol enters the bloodstream and makes its way to the brain. It attaches itself to the endocannabinoid receptors in the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum, which are the prime parts for memory, coordination, thinking ability, and pleasure.

Several varieties of Cannabis Sativa, in glass tubes, for sale at a market stall.

What is THC

THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is a cannabinoid molecule that’s proven to be the prime psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. It is due to this substance that people who consume marijuana feel high.

Out of 60 different cannabinoid molecules and 400 other actives present in marijuana, THC is the most well-known. Cannabidiol or CBD is another cannabinoid molecule that’s been grabbing major attention lately.

Effects of THC

THC triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, which is the neurotransmitter responsible for causing euphoria. The effects of the same can vary from person to person.

When consumed, it may result in;

  • Enhanced appetite
  • A relaxed state of mind and body
  • Improved sensory perception
  • Alterations in the perception of time

While it can have soothing effects, THC can cause many undesirable side effects such as memory slips, anxiety, hallucination, or even delusion in a few cases.

Different forms of consuming THC

Apart from being smoked in the form of marijuana, the dried leaves of the Cannabis plant can also be consumed in several different ways;

  • Inhalation

Inhaling THC is the fastest way to experience the psychoactive effects. It causes the desirable effects in a matter of a few minutes. The ways to inhale THC are either vaping or smoking. However, recent reports advise against vaping as it might cause safety risks.

  • Oral Consumption

One can consume THC orally in the form of edibles, oils, tinctures, or capsules. This mode of consumption might take longer to show results, but the effects last longer.

  • Topical application

One can apply lotions, oils, bath salts, balms, salves, and other products containing THC topically on the skin. They will have a localized impact, meaning the psychoactive effects may not occur. But these applications may help in dealing with pain and inflammation.

  • Sublingual administration

One can also consume it in the form of sprays, dissolved strips, or lozenges by placing it under the tongue.

THC in CBD Products

CBD products are becoming increasingly popular in the market. There are a wide variety of CBD products manufactured that may contain traces of THC ranging from 0.3% to 0.9%, depending on the formulation.

Experts feel that trace amounts of THC in CBD products make them more potent, and it is unlikely that it might make people feel high. Although, if one would prefer a CBD product that does not contain THC, they must choose a product certified by a third party concerning its purity.

Uses of THC

Apart from its use for leisure, THC has many medicinal properties as well. Even though research regarding the use of marijuana in medical treatment for various ailments is still at the elementary stage. Its usage for treating illnesses is around for about a thousand years.

Some of the health issues that THC might help with are;

  • Migraine
  • Inflammation
  • Anxiety
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Less Appetite
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Glaucoma
  • Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Insomnia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Help reduce opioid use.

Synthetic THC formulation, known as dronabinol, is approved by the FDA. It is available for sale under the brand names Syndros and Marinol. Similarly, nabilone is a drug that contains a synthetic substance similar to THC and is available for sale under the brand Cesamet. Dronabinol helps treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and weight loss/loss of appetite caused by HIV/AIDS. Nabilone also treats vomiting and nausea.

How does THC work?

THC attaches itself to the cannabinoid receptors in the body present in the nervous system and the brain. Compared to most drug compounds, THC can stay in the body for a longer time, even up to 20 hours after consumption. However, the psychoactive effects will only stay for a short time.

THC, once consumed, will stay in the organs and body fat for up to three or four weeks. Testing hair follicles may show the presence of THC even up to 90 days. However, testing urine has been proved to be an unreliable way of identifying THC in the system.

How much THC does marijuana contain?

 Marijuana these days is extremely potent than the ones prevalent in the past. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse or the NIDA, marijuana, today contains THC levels of up to 9.6%, in comparison to just 4% THC in the early 1990s.

The modern, highly potent varieties of marijuana like sinsemilla, also known as the skunk, is four times stronger than the usual, with a THC level of about 15%. The level of THC present in marijuana is also influenced by the method of preparing the cannabis, for use such as hashish oil, leaf or the bud, hashish, etc. A few products made from marijuana extracts may contain THC levels as high as 50%.

Is THC addictive?

 In the United States, most substance abuse occurs with Cannabis, apart from Tobacco and Alcohol. While the opinion varies on whether it is addictive or not, THC dependence and tolerance are widely visible through various research.

As per NIDA, using marijuana before the age of 18 while the brain has still not developed completely may increase the risk of marijuana use disorder by four to seven times. The institute also says that, out of those who consume marijuana, about 30% run the risk of getting addicted. Marijuana addiction might cause an obsession with the drug, excessive use, withdrawal symptoms while having no access to the drug, etc.


Delta 9 might be the go-to product in the cannabis community, but one must evaluate various factors before selecting the right cannabinoid product and the reputation of the company that stands behind the brand. While the research might prove to be time-consuming, looking for reviews, customer support service, shipping costs, third-party test reports, ingredients, extraction methods, and more can assist in selecting the right product.

Author: admin